Energy Square has developed technology that offers a better solution than the current plugged or inductive charging solutions as shown here.

Energy Square solution is suited for consumer devices, office and industrial applications. The next application is automotive autonomous and people mover vehicles to provide effective wire-free charging.


Designed for free positioning, full charging speed, no wave emission, battery life optimization, scalable and low integration cost.


Active & Passive Security Features:

Passive state

When the mat is ON, when no PbC device is detected, the tiles stay OFF, with no current through them.

Active state

Identification process: When a PbC object is placed on the tiles, an identification process is started. The mat recognizes the PbC object and defines the polarity, the voltage and the current needed by the device. Only the tiles in contact with the PbC object conductive parts will switch


Activated tiles are constantly monitored by both hardware and software to prevent overcurrent and short circuits

Conductive object proof

If a conductive object is placed on the tiles, the mat will know that it is not a PbC object and will not activate the tiles or switch off active tiles.

Liquid proof

(considering that the mat assembly is hermetic). Same thing for liquid spilled on the mat, the tiles in contact with the liquid will stay inactivate.

No electromagnetic waves

PbC tech is based on conduction. When active, the mat does not emit electromagnetic waves like inductive chargers do

Spark proof

Electric arc cannot happen as the mat do not send current before the device is properly detected

Heating proof

The mat’s circuit is properly dimensioned to let specified current flow without heating (up to 5A in the overall mat, and up to 3A in each tile)

Contact charging features

Contact quality check – the mat constantly analyses the contact quality and will not activate the charge if the contact is not good (bad contact can be caused by dust or liquid)

Systematic control

If a PbC device is removed and placed again on the same tiles, the identification process restarts Vibration as well. If the contact quality is altered by a vibration, the charge stops and restarts when the vibration stops.

Software protection

Each PbC device is also protected by a unique ID, which is recognized by the mat in order to charge it with the adequate voltage and current

Short proof

The PbC device embedded circuit is protected against short. If the two conductive part are shorted, nothing will happen.

One-way circuit

The PbC device embedded circuit only allows the battery charging through the device conductive part, the battery cannot discharge through them

High and Low voltage protection

The PbC device embedded circuit is passively protected from too high or too low voltage. The embedded circuit only accepts a defined specific voltage

For potential Automotive Application write to or directly contact Energy Square


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