Microchip’s MGC3130 is the world’s first electrical near field (E-field) 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller. Based on Microchip’s patented GestIC® technology, it allows users to interact with their devices using hand/finger position tracking and intuitive free-space gestures in real time. The MGC3130 is a unique solution that enables the next breakthrough in user interface design.
GestIC® Technology Benefits:

  • Very low power designM-Chip
  • From 0 (touch) to 15 cm detection range
  • No detection blind spots
  • Usage of thin, low-cost sensing electrodes
  • Electrodes hidden behind housing
  • No ambient influences (light/sound)
  • High sensitivity
  • 70-130 kHz carrier frequency – no RF interference



For more information review http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/technology/gestic


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One Response to Microchip’s MGC3130

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    I love all of the points you made.

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