Micropumps in Potential Automotive Applications
By implementing miniaturized components, the function of products can be improved providing additional benefits to the user. In the course of this trend the transport of liquids and gases plays an increasing role. Examples can be found in providing additives as scents or flavors. To improve hygiene, cleaning agents or disinfectants can be applied. Also, on demand generation of steam can be implemented. For monitoring purpose pumps can transport gas or liquid samples to a sensor.
Due to their small dimensions and attractive price level, micro pumps are well equipped for this task. Taking benefit of the small size of the micropump mp6 of 30 x 15 x 3,8 mm³, both pump and reservoir can be assembled on a small footprint. Combined with driving electronics and controls, compact building blocks can be designed. The benefit lies in increased functionality for the end user in different application areas.
With flow rates of up to 6 ml/min with liquids and about 18 ml/min for gases and maximum backpressures of 550 mbar or 100 mbar respectively, the micropumps can address a number of different requirements.
Miniaturized pumps for active transport of gas or liquids
The pump is important component in diagnostic or delivery devices. As different business cases and USPs require different pumps, we do our engineering closely to your requirement profile. Dependent on the targets we either work with our own proprietary micropump platform, or with other functional principles. While our piezo based platform is lightweight and flat making it perfect for portable solutions, other requirements may require different pump approaches.
For more information go to https://www.bartels-mikrotechnik.de/index.php/en/