2019 Technology Investigates

Here are some new technologies and applications designed to greatly enhance in vehicle comfort and features. This is a very small addition but just goes to show the technology feature add potential in this decade. Technologies are being pursued globally and most do have potential for Automotive applications.

The key is to develop a strong WANT for Technology 1st Applications. Its very easy to prove a negative in application or design but that really brings no value. Working to prove the positive regarding technology incorporation for feature enhancement / add, reliability improvement and cost reduction must be the only target for Product Development.


For more information directly write to the 18 technology companies shown here or write to designhmi@gmail.com if you need application support.

For Automotive Interior and Exterior Human Machine Interface applications there are innovations validated in other industries that can be easily implemented within a 12 month timing plan. This would bring true value to vehicle owners and passengers. Unfortunately, almost too often, time to implement from initial concept can easily be 4 to 5 years even for Non-Safety critical applications. By that time the innovation being applied is already 4+ years old and other better solutions are available.

In our HMI Engineering Well we constantly load up innovations that can be applied to production models going into volume production within the next 12 months. It is feasible – just requires us all in automotive to make that our key deliverable. The engineering core competence is there in the Automotive Eco-System.
The other customer base OE’s / Tier 1 Suppliers neglect are current customers. Any feature improvement in Human Machine Devices and other comfort / convenience are not available to customer who bought a vehicle just 6 month ago. If we were to just consider vehicles that are under 5 years old (time taken to pay off your vehicle loan) that means there are 85 million potential captive customers in US alone who would love to enhance their vehicles – cannot imagine globally.
Contact designhmi@gmail.com if you need support to design, develop a validate applications of innovations that enhance customer in vehicle experience with 12 month period, reward current vehicle owners and bring value to OE.





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